Home School Activity Sheet: The Georgians

The second in our series of historical lesson plans to help keep your children occupied, inspired and learning.
Lydia, Your Georgian Girl™, moved to Boston (in the American colonies) during the reign of King George III. However, there were four King George’s that made up the Georgian period. This activity sheet will guide you through the exciting world of Georgian Britain and it’s quirky Kings.
You can also discover more in Lydia’s secret diary.
Learn 1: Which King George was which? Check out this summary and the accompanying videos.
King George I:
- King George I spent a fifth of his reign living in Germany and didn’t speak much English.
- He didn’t have much interest in being King of Britain and gave a lot of his work to Sir Robert Wapole who became Britain's first ever Prime Minister.
- A key part of his reign was the ‘South Sea Bubble’ financial crash. This meant many people, including the royal family lost lots of money. They were not happy!
This Horrible Histories sketch imagines how Sir Wapole and King George must have spoken to each other.
King George II:
- King George II was the last British King to lead his army into battle (although his horse got scared and ran in the wrong direction!).
- He also beat the Scottish ‘Jacobite’ rebellion who were trying to replace him with a Catholic (a different type of Christianity).
To learn more have a look at this comic about the Georgian period by National Geographic.
King George III:
- King George III had the longest reign. However he was unable to rule for some of it due to mental illness. His son ruled in his name, this is known as a ‘regent’.
- His reign is known for the American War of Independence when America left the British Empire.
- Under George III Britain also beat the French general Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo (like the Abba song!). Although this was whilst George IV was ruling as ‘regent’.
Check out this quick fact sheet on King George III for a bit more detail.
King George IV:
- King George IV was known as the ‘regent King’ because he had to step in for King George III nine years before he officially became King.
- However he didn’t become king until he was fifty seven.
- He is known as a party animal, an artist and a designer (he built Buckingham palace, where the Queen lives today).
- He is known for defeating the famous French general Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo (like in the Abba song!).
Learn all about King George IV with this catchy Horrible Histories song.
Activity 1: What do you remember about each King George? Try making a mind map for all four with the help of the videos and fact sheets.
Learn 2: Refresh your memory with this Horrible Histories song about the four King Georges.
Activity 2: Test out your knowledge. Match the fact with the King.

You can learn more about Georgian society in Lydia's Secret Diary. Shop Lydia, Your Georgian Girl™ now.
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