When I started developing A Girl for All Time dolls, I knew that I wanted to make something special, something unique, that had not been done before.
I wanted to create characters and accessories that would inspire over a lifetime and help children and families discover their own stories. Discovering and sharing our family stories with each other strengthens our children's resilience, mental health and well-being, in addition to building stronger bonds with family, friends and lcommunity.
And so A Girl for All Time came to be, a range of gorgeous play dolls and accessories, made up of a family-tree of fierce, independent characters whose adventures we follow through 500 years of history and intrigue.
You and your children can enter the world of A Girl for All Time through our blogs, activities, books, videos and tutorials. You and your children will learn how to make your own family tree and learn your own family story along the way.
Ordinary families can be special because they each have a history no other family has. They all have Uncle So and So, they all have Aunt So and So. They all have a brother who went off and did this adventure, and everyone has a story that no one else has. So if you know that, it makes you special. It’s a fingerprint. - Marshall Duke