Diwali - and the benefits of teaching children about other cultures

Diwali - and why we need to raise more global kids
Today marks the beginning of the five day festival of Diwali, one of the most popular festivals of Hinduism. It symbolises the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance'.
Cultural celebrations such as Diwali are great opportunities to explore other cultures and religions with your children. By exposing them to different lifestyles and customs, we help create a future generation of open minded adults who are empathetic and globally aware. Toys, books, films and magazines that explore different traditions are all great ways to open the conversation with your children.
We are proud to be expanding our current range to include more diverse characters including our first Afro Caribbean character Bex and our mixed heritage Indian-British character Nisha.
Here is a good read on the topic from @huffpostparents. Photo is our own!