Diwali : Festival of Lights

Learning about Diwali at School
"It's so gloomy outside and it's only November. It's tough getting up for school! Although I am looking forward to school this week because we're going to be learning about Diwali. It's known as the festival of lights. We're going to be putting fairy lights into glass jars to decorate our classroom. I'm using some of mum's jam jars but she's made me promise to bring them back in one piece.
Diwali History
I'm going to wear my colorful headband I made over the summer for the festivals.. I've even got a saree to show and tell. I've been learning about the history of it. It's a vintage one, passed on from a family member. It's in the attic collecting dust... I want to tell my friends that it used to belong to a princess but mum says I've to tell fact not fiction when talking about history. How do they know for sure anyway? It could have belonged to a princess!"
Nisha is part of Your Modern Girl collection and she can be found here.