Making a Mother's Day breakfast

Today was Mothering Sunday and I woke up really early to celebrate. Dad and I got up at the crack of dawn to make breakfast. Mum always gets up early so Dad made sure to turn her alarm off so she would get a proper lie in. I didn’t need an alarm because I was so excited I woke up before everyone.
We ran down to the kitchen and got out all the ingredients for pancakes. I know that today is supposed to be about mum but I was also secretly excited to have a special breakfast too.
We made a mixture of thin English and fluffy American pancakes because I wanted to compare the two. I still can’t decide which I prefer but I know I love both.
We piled the pancakes onto a tray with my favourite toppings: strawberry’s, chocolate sauce and golden syrup and I helped carry it all upstairs to surprise mum. She was so happy when she woke up that she kissed us both before even noticing the Mother’s Day card that I made her at school.
We all sat in bed eating pancakes until I was so full I thought I was going to burst! I can’t wait for the next Mother’s day…
Nisha, Your Modern Girl is currently available to pre-order.