Bex visits London's Natural History Museum

Today mum and dad took me to the Natural History Museum. I was so excited to go, I love looking at all the dinosaurs and imagining what they were like in real life rather than as skeletons. One of the guides told me that dinosaurs are related to birds and they could have been covered with feathers. I’ve been looking at the pigeons outside imagining what one would look like as a dinosaur. I feel like it would be much less scary than a proper triceratops or velociraptor (both types of dinosaur I learnt today!). I told Max about it and he said he would draw a dinosaur-bird in his newest comic book, I can’t wait to see it!
Romy and Darious (my little brothers) were also really excited. Romy got in trouble for running around so much that he fell into the rope around the big dinosaur in the entrance. I laughed for ages but mum and dad didn’t seem to find it as funny...
Angelo (my big brother) came too. He complained the whole way there about being made to go but when we arrived I knew he was happy. His favourite part was the robot Tyrannosaurus Rex which jumps out at you when you walk into the room. I found it a bit scary but pretended I didn’t because Angelo would have made fun of me.
I can’t wait to tell my friends Nisha and Maya about my trip at school tomorrow.
Bex, Your Modern Girl is currently available to pre-order.