Explore Oxford Street with Bex

Dear Diary,
Today I'm finally going to Oxford Street in central London. I've been begging to go for months after my friend Nisha went there and told me about all the fantastic food and fashion.
We had to get the tube to 'Bond Street'. I thought it might be where the famous spy James Bond lives, but apparently, it's named after someone who built some of the old buildings.
The tube is like a train, except it lives underground. I find it a bit scary because I don't like the idea of being so far beneath London with everyone walking above me.
When we arrived, we walked to the end of the famous street, it was so full of tourists, shoppers and people, everywhere! I can't ever remember seeing so many people.
We had to fight our way through the crowds to walk down the street. Everywhere we went, people were singing, dancing and giving out flyers for their theatre shows. I tried to dance along with them, but it was so busy I couldn't get enough space.
After exploring a couple of the shops and wandering down the main street, we were both starving. It was past lunchtime (and a special treat day out), so mum took me to get an 'afternoon tea'. I'd never had one before, but it was terrific. They gave us lots of little sandwiches, cakes and cups of tea. I ate at least ten little cakes, but I'm sure that must equal only one normal-sized slice? Either way, they were delicious.
On our way back, we went into Selfridges. It's this beautiful old white building that looks like a castle. Apparently, it's really famous. When you go inside, there are so many little shops. I loved watching all the elegant ladies buying colourful dresses and fancy perfume.
When we were walking past one of the shops, this electric blue coat caught my eye. It was so colourful and was lined with fur. I'd never seen anything so elegant!
I begged mum to let me go in and try it on. It was so soft on the inside, and the bright blue fur tickled my neck.
I also got to try the matching blue furry hat, which looked so funky with the coat I couldn't believe it.
I looked at myself in the mirror and fell in love with the beautiful bright colours.
When we were leaving, mum said I wasn't allowed to have the coat and hat today but should wait until my next birthday. I was very sad because that's not for ages! But I knew it would be rude to complain, so I enjoyed my walk back to Bond Street with all its striking shop windows and yummy food smells.
When we got home, Mum said she had a surprise for me. She turned around and took out the furry coat and hat! I was so surprised that I had to do a little celebration dance.
I've been wearing both ever since, even though it's a bit hot wearing a coat over my pyjamas.
Tomorrow I have band practice with Nisha and Maya. I can't wait to show them my new funky hat and test out if I can wear it when drumming. I'll definitely try!